Reasons why you can't learn English well

If you find yourself studying English forever but it's not effective, try to find out the reasons below to find the best way to fix it. Let's read the following article from Eclass, we are the best online english central in Ho Chi Minh City.

Reasons why you can't learn English well

Incorrectly identifying learning goals: The state of learning before forgetting later, knowing many words but not being able to apply them is because you are learning in the wrong way and for the wrong purpose. This is the main reason why so many people learn English forever but still cannot use it without a specific learning purpose.

Learning with the wrong method: using the wrong method of learning English makes the learning process ineffective. For example, beginners choose advanced learning resources for people who already have a solid foundation in English or those who have lost their roots to enroll in courses of different levels in one class. This makes you drift into a sea of new knowledge, creating an invisible fear when it comes to English.

Afraid to practice: Being "afraid" to speak English is a common fear that many people encounter in the process of learning English. Stemming from lack of confidence, fear of making grammatical mistakes, not having enough vocabulary to express content, being afraid to communicate, etc., thousands of reasons hinder English learners from developing. This mentality is extremely dangerous because gradually it will make learners depressed, the more wrong it is, the more wrong it will lead to a loss of motivation to study.

Lack of vocabulary: Poor vocabulary is one of the reasons why you cannot communicate effectively in English. Learning English by mechanical means such as taking notes, taking notes, and mumbling reading words can help you remember words immediately. However, you will forget right after a period of non-use.

See also: best English learning tutors

How to improve to help you learn English more effectively

Determining the right cause will help you find the best solutions for the process of learning English. Here are some methods to help you improve your ineffective study situation:

Determining the right goals for learning English: To develop yourself in the era of integration, to confidently communicate with foreigners, to interact with international friends, etc. Specific and clear purposes will help you learn English effectively.

Hard practice: to use in communication, there is no other way, you have to turn the theories you have learned into skills by practicing as much as possible.

Additional vocabulary: To be able to learn vocabulary in the best way, choose a group of words to learn, and use images and sounds to help you remember better. Use a small notebook to jot down words and phrases, learn related vocabulary, and review new words on a regular basis. The more vocabulary you use, the richer your vocabulary will be.

Actively approach the English environment: Take the initiative to find out for yourself to have the opportunity to use English by learning and going to places where there are many foreigners to exchange and participate in sentences. English clubs or workshops on the topic of English communication or chatting with foreigners at communication apps…

Persevere and find motivation to study: All of the above methods will be effective when you persistently pursue learning English to the end. Attitude to study greatly determines the results you get.

Choose a reputable English communication school: Self-study will hardly bring the desired results if you lack concentration, discipline, and high determination. When you are in this case, choosing a reputable English communication school is a necessary solution. If you are looking for a reputable English learning address in Ho Chi Minh City, please contact Eclass immediately. We are the leading English center in Ho Chi Minh City with the best learning facilities, highly qualified teachers, and the best quality curriculum for everyone.

For the fastest advice and registration, please contact us immediately with the following information:


Address 1: 1116A Quang Trung, Ward 8, Go Vap District, HCMC

Address 2: 438 Dien Bien Phu, Ward 11, District 10, HCMC

Phone: 08 9919 6162


Other classes at Eclass: speak English with American accent

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